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董群喜,北京理工大学预聘助理教授;长期从事脑功能和结构建模研究。近五年来,发表期刊和会议论文10余篇,其中以第一作者或第二作者身份在神经影像领域的项级或重要期刊上发表SCI论文7篇(包括Medical Image AnalysisNeuroimage: clinical, Journal of Alzheimers Disease, Journal of Neural Engineering)。


20099–201712 计算机应用技术 博士

20165月–20168 Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine Medical Imaging Physics, Juelich research center, Germany,项目合作交流

20139月–20158 Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine Medical Imaging Physics, Juelich research center, Germany,联合培养博士生

20059–20097 计算机科学 学士


2021年1月-至今 北京理工大学英国威廉希尔公司

201852020年12 美国亚利桑那州立大学计算机学院几何系统实验室,博士后


2020 Cluster computing [J] 评审

2019 Brain Imaging and Behavior [J]评审

2019 International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics [J] 评审

2018 IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing [J] 评审




2016 德国Juelich research center 项目交流奖学金

2015 留学基金委全额奖学金

2013 兰州大学全额奖学金

2012 兰州大学特等奖学金


ARIZONA ALZHEIMERS CONSORTIUM 2020-2021 Scientific Project: Developing A Univariate Neurodegeneration Imaging Biomarker with Low-Rank and Sparse Subspace Decomposition, 2019-2021年。

NIH/NIBIB R01EB025032):Predicting the Early Childhood Outcomes of Preterm Brain Shape Abnormalities2017-2021年。

NIH/NIA RF1AG051710):Multi-Source Sparse Learning to Identify MCI and Predict Decline2016-2020年。

ASU-Mayo Seed GrantIntegrating Genomic and Imaging Biomarkers for Early Detection of Alzheimers Disease2019年。

SCI Journal paper

Qunxi Dong, Wen Zhang, Cynthia M. Stonnington, Jianfeng Wu, Boris A. Gutman, Kewei Chen, et al. "Applying surface-based morphometry to study ventricular abnormalities of cognitively unimpaired subjects prior to clinically significant memory decline [J]." NeuroImage: Clinical (2020) In Press (SCI Q1; 5-year IF:4.791; 2020 IF: 4.35).

Qunxi Dong, Wen Zhang, Jianfeng Wu, Bolun Li, Emily H. Schron, Travis McMahon, Jie Shi et al. "Applying surface-based hippocampal morphometry to study APOE-E4 allele dose effects in cognitively unimpaired subjects [J]." NeuroImage: Clinical (2019): 101744SCI Q1; 5-year IF:4.791; 2020 IF: 4.35

Dong Q, Zhang J, Li Q, Wang J, Lepore N. Thompson PM, Caselli RJ, Ye J, Wang Y. Integrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-Task Dictionary Learning for Cognitive Decline Prediction with Longitudinal Images [J], Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2020)SCI Q1; 5-year IF:3.908; 2020 IF: 3.909

Zhang J, Dong Q, Shi J, Li Q, Stonnington CY, Gutman BA, Chen K, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Thompson PM, Ye J, Wang Y, ADNI Group, Predicting Future Cognitive Decline with Hyperbolic Stochastic Coding, Medical Image Analysis, 2021.SCI Q1; 2019 IF: 11.148

Gang Wang, Qunxi Dong, Jianfeng Wu, Yi Su, Kewei Chen, Qingtang Su, Xiaofeng Zhang, Jinguang Hao, Tao Yao, Caiming Zhang, Richard J. Caselli, Eric M. Reiman, Wang Y. Developing Univariate Neurodegeneration Biomarkers with Low-Rank and Sparse Subspace Decomposition [J], Medical Image Aanalysis, 2021SCI Q1; 2019 IF: 11.148

Jessica Rosenberg, Qunxi Dong, Esther Florin, Praveen Spripad, Frank Boers, Martina Reske, Nadim Joni Shah, Jürgen Dammers. Conflict processing networks: A directional analysis of stimulus-response compatibilities using MEG [J], PLOS ONE, 2021 (SCI Q1; 2020 IF: 2.870).

Hu, Bin, Qunxi Dong, Yanrong Hao, Qinglin Zhao, Jian Shen, and Fang Zheng. Effective brain network analysis with resting-state EEG data: a comparison between heroin abstinent and non-addicted subjects [J]. Journal of Neural Engineering 14, no. 4 (2017): 046002(SCI Q1; 5-year IF:5.123; 2019 IF: 4.141)

Personal Resume

Qunxi Dong, Assistant Professor at Institute of Engineering Medicine, Beijing Institute of Technology. Email: dongqx@bit.edu.cn.

Education Background

2009-2017, Ph.D. in Computer applied technology, Lanzhou University, China;

2013-2015, Joint training of doctoral students, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM) in Germany;

2005-2009, BSc in Computer Science, Lanzhou University, China.

Positions and Employment

Assistant Professor



Institute of Engineering Medicine, Beijing Institute of Technology




Arizona State University

Professional Membership/Academic Appointments

He is the reviewer of Brain Imaging and Behavior, PLOS ONE, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics.

Research and Teaching Interest

Neuroimage computing