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刘建丽,特别副研究员、硕导。博士毕业于中国科学院化学研究所,近年来研究工作主要致力于用先进的原位纳米表征技术和质谱分析方法,在近生理条件、活细胞单分子水平研究生物分子间的相互作用和解析生物分子结构,揭示疾病的发病机理及阐明药物的作用机制。此外,通过设计侧链结构可定义的类肽分子,实现类肽可控自组装,利用原位分析检测技术,在分子尺度上实时观察组装过程及成核生长机制,为仿生基元结构的可控组装提供理论指导。目前,以第一/共同第一作者在Advanced Materials, Nanoscale, Science China MaterialsScience Bulletin等国际期刊发表论文6篇,著述专著1章主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和中国博士后面上项目各1项。


2011.9-2016.7 中国科学院化学研究所

2006.9-2010.7 东北农业大学 学士


2021.08 - 至今 北京理工大学 英国威廉希尔公司 助理教授/特别副研究员

2019.03 - 2021.07 东莞理工学院与西安交通大学联合培养博士后

2019.05 - 2021.05 美国西北太平洋国家实验室 访问学者

2016.10 - 2018.11 北京理工大学 博士后



1. 仿生智能高分子水凝胶材料的构建及在生物医学(伤口敷料、骨再生修复等)的应用;

2. 基于水凝胶的细胞力学微环境构建及对细胞行为的调控;

3. 细胞和分子水平研究细胞与生物材料(或细胞)相互作用。



中国博士后面上资助,“高性能微型质谱仪关键技术研究” (2017M610775) 主持

国家973重大科学研究计划, “单分子单细胞水平高分辨实时动态纳米检测技术及应用” (2013CB933700) (参与)

Development of Energy, DOE-BES/MSE, Design, Synthesis, and Assembly of Biomimetic Materials with Novel Functionality (参与)

SCI Journal paper

Jianli Liu, Bin Cai, Lifeng Cui* and Chun-Long Chen*, Peptoid-based hierarchically-structured biomimetic nanomaterials: synthesis, characterization and applications, Science China Materials, 2020, 63(7), 1099-1112.

Shuai Zhang†*, Jiajun Chen, Jianli Liu, Harley Plyes, David Baker, Chun-Long Chen and James J. De Yoreo*, Engineering biomolecular self-assembly at solid-liquid interfaces, Advanced Materials, 2020, 1905784. († co-first author)

Jianli Liu, Wenhui Li, Xuejie Zhang, Yan Feng and Xiaohong Fang*, Ligand-receptor binding recognition: dynamic force spectroscopy applications, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2019, 1886:153-162.

Jianli Liu, Wei Tang, Xiangzhi Meng, Lingpeng Zhan, Wei Xu*, Zongxiu Nie* and Zhonglin Wang*, Improving the performance of Mini 2000 mass spectrometer with a triboelectric nanogenerators electrospray ionization source, ACS Omega, 2018, 3, 12229-12234

Qiang Zhao, Jianli Liu, Bo Wang, Xiaohua Zhang, Guangyan Huang* and Wei Xu*, Rapid Screening of Explosives in Ambient Environment by Aerodynamic Assisted Thermo Desorption Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2017,52,1-6.

Jianli Liu, Xuejie Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang, Li Xu, Jingyuan Li and Xiaohong Fang*, Single-molecule force spectroscopy study of the effect of cigarette carcinogens on thrombomodulin-thrombin interaction, Science Bulletin,2016, 61, 1187–1194.

Jianli Liu, Xuejie Zhang, Hang Yang, Jinghe Yuan, Hongping Wei, Junping Yu* and Xiaohong Fang*, Study of the interactions between endolysin and bacterial peptidoglycan on S. aureus by dynamic force spectroscopy, Nanoscale, 2015, 28, 17743-17748.

Qiuling Zhao, Zhen Zhang, Li Xu, Tie Xia, Nan Li, Jianli Liu and Xiaohong Fang*, Exonuclease I aided enzyme-linked aptamer assay for small-molecule detection, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014, 406, 2949-2955.

Jianqiang Yu, Jinghe Yuan, Xuejie Zhang, Jianli Liu and Xiaohong Fang*, Nanoscale imaging with an integrated system combining stimulated emission depletion microscope and atomic force microscope, Science Bulletin, 2013, 58, 4045-4050.

Han Xiao, Jianshu Zhang, Zhonghe Xu, Yenan Feng, Mingliang Zhang, Jianli Liu, Ruifei Chen, Jing Shen, Jimin Wu, Zhizhen Lu, Xiaohong Fang, Jingyuan Li, Youyi Zhang*, Old medicine, new target: metformin is an antagonist for transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6,28597.

Personal Resume

Jianli Liu obtained her Ph.D. degrees from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. She went to Beijing Institute of Technology in 2016 and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2019 for postdoctoral research work. Dr. Lius research has spanned a wide range of disciplines including chemistry, biology and material science, focusing on in situ AFM investigations of interactions in living cell and assembly pathways in biomolecular systems. To date, Dr. Liu has authored over ten publications and lead 2 projects ( Natural Science Foundation of China and China Postdoctoral Science Funding ) as the project leaders.

Education Background

2011.9-2016.7 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS), Ph.D.

2006.9-2010.7 Northeast Agricultural University, Applied Chemistry, B.S

Positions and Employment

2021.08 - present Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering Medicine, Beijing Institute of Technology

2019.03 - 2021.07 Postdoctoral Fellow, Materials Science, Dongguan university of technology & Xi'an Jiaotong University

2019.05 - 2021.05 Visiting scholar, Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

2016.10 - 2018.11 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research and Teaching Interest

Dr. Lius current research involves multidisciplinary fields including chemistry, biology, materials science, mechanics and tissue engineering. The main research interests are:

(1) Design of multifunctional hydrogel for biomedical applications;

(2) Characterization of mechanical properties of hydrogels and cells at nanoscale/cell level;

(3) Explore the relationship between cell mechanical microenvironment and cell behaviors.