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2014.9-2018.7 清华大学 生物医学工程系 博士学位

2012.9-2014.7 东北大学 生物医学工程系 硕士学位

2008.9-2012.7 昆明理工大学(东北大学2010.9-2011.8 生物医学工程系 学士学位


2021.3-现在 北京理工大学 英国威廉希尔公司 特别副研究员(助理教授)、硕导

2018.7-2021.2 军事科学院 军事医学研究院 博士后


担任包括International Journal of CARSNature Scientific ReportsLasers in Medical ScienceComputerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsWorld Neurosurgery, BioMedical Engineering OnLineFrontiers of Optoelectronics等多个国际学术期刊审稿人





[1] 2020-2021年度 2020年度中国体视学学会科技进步二等奖(第二完成人)

[2] 2019-2020年度 2019中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会优秀论文二等奖(青年论坛,排名第1);Award for the contributed talk in 16th Chinese Conference on Stereology and Image AnalysisYouth Forum,排名第1);国际医学与生物工程联合会青年科学家奖二等奖(APCMBE2020, 排名第4

[3] 2018-2020年度 博士后按照人才引进计划待遇实施

[4] 2013-2014学年 三好研究生

[5] 2012-2013学年 辽宁省首届研究生学建模竞赛一等奖、第九届华为杯全国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖、TI杯关爱健康医疗电子创意创新设计大赛二等奖

[6] 2011-2012学年 省级优秀毕业生、省级三好学生

[7] 2010-2011学年 国家奖学金

[8] 2009-2010学年 国家创新型实验大赛二等奖(排名第1

[9] 2008-2009学年 国家励志奖学金




[1] 国家自然科学基金委,青年科学基金项目No.81901907,面向脑肿瘤治疗的光学微创诊疗关键问题研究,2020-012022-1220万元,在研,主持

[2] 中国博士后科学基金,特别资助No.2019T120982,面向XX多模态影像引导光学诊疗系统关键技术研究,2019-062021-218万元(军队配套18万),已结题,主持

[3] 中国博士后科学基金,面上资助一等No.2018M643846,面向XX治疗的光学诊疗系统关键技术研究,2018-112021-28万元(军队配套8万),已结题,主持

[4] 国家自然科学基金,面上基金,No.81771940,多源无辐射信息引导血管内病变术中定量诊疗的关键理论问题研究,2017-012021-2170万元,在研,主要参与

[5] 国家重点研发计划数字诊疗装备研发重点专项,No.2017YFC0108000,基于增强现实的骨科微创精准诊疗一体化前沿技术研究,2017-072019-12298万元,已结题,主要参与

[6] 北京市自然科学基金,面上项目,No.7172122,脑深部病变术中精准诊断与实时导航关键问题研究,2017-012019-1220万元,结题,主要参与

[7] 国家自然科学基金,国家重大科研仪器设备研制项目,No.81427803,高精度医学信息立体空间透视融合装置,2015-012019-12700万元,已结题,主要参与

[8] 北京市科委生命科学领域前沿技术培育项目,Z15110000391507,基于多模态影像的颅底及脑干肿瘤介入诊疗系统的研究,2015-05-2018-05194.642万元,已结题,主要参与

[9] 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,No.81271735,针对清除残余肿瘤的诊疗一体化关键问题研究,2013-012016-1270万元,已结题,主要参与

[10] 国家自然科学基金,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,No.61361160417,针对肿瘤及淋巴结转移的早期发现和清除的光电医学诊断与治疗关键问题研究,2014-012016-12100万元,已结题,主要参与

SCI Journal paper

[1] Yingwei Fan, Qiong Ma, Shenghai Xin, Ruiyun Peng*, Hongxiang Kang*. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of supercontinuum laser-induced cutaneous thermal injuries and their repair with OCT images. Lasers in surgery and medicine. 2021. 53(2): 252-262. DOI: 10.1002/lsm.23287 (SCI, Date of Publication: 19 June 2020, JCR Q1, ISSN:1096-9101)

[2] Yingwei Fan#, Site Luo#,*, Li Huo, Yabing Liu, Xinling Li, Huikai Xie*, Hongxiang Kang*. An imaging analysis and reconstruction method for multiple-micro-electro-mechanical system mirrors-based off-centre scanning optical coherence tomography probe. Laser Physics Letters. 2020, 17(7): 075601. https://doi.org/10.1088/1612-202X/ab8f31 (SCI, 受到OCT News报道, Date of Publication: 1 June 2020, JCR Q2, ISSN: 1612-2011)

[3] Qiong Ma#, Yingwei Fan#,*, Zhenkun Luo, Yufang Cui, Hongxiang Kang*. Quantitative analysis of collagen and capillaries of 3.8-μm laser-induced cutaneous damage and wound healing. Lasers in medical science, 2020. Nov 13. DOI: 10.1007/s10103-020-03193-x. (SCI, Date of Publication: 09 November 2020, JCR Q2, ISSN: 1435-604X)

[4] Yingwei Fan#, Yu Sun#, Wei Chang, Xinran Zhang, Jie Tang, Liwei Zhang*, and Hongen Liao*. Bioluminescence imaging and two-photon microscopy-guided laser ablation of GBM decreases tumor burden. Theranostics. 2018. 8(15): 4072-4085. DOI: 10.1007/s 11548-017-1664-8 (SCI,封面文章,受到清华大学、国家自然科学基金委等相关媒体报道, Date of Publication: 16 July 2018, JCR Q1, ISSN: 1838-7640)

[5] Yingwei Fan#, Site Luo#,*, Hongxiang Kang*. A comparison of the long working distance of the GRIN lens- and C-lens- based OCT probe. IEEE access. 2019, 7(1): 93212-93218. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2927501 (SCI, Date of Publication: 09 July 2019, JCR Q1, ISSN: 2169-3536)

[6] Yingwei Fan, Boyu Zhang, Wei Chang, Xinran Zhang, and Hongen Liao*. A novel integration of spectral-domain optical-coherence-tomography and laser-ablation system for precision treatment. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 2018, 13(3): 411-423. DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1664-8 (SCI, Date of Publication: 09 September 2017, JCR Q2, ISSN: 1861-6429)

[7] Yingwei Fan#, Qiong Ma#, Jie Liang, Yuxin Lu, Bo Ni, Zhenkun Luo, Yufang Cui, Hongxiang Kang*. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of recovery process of a 1 064 nm laser on laser-induced skin injury: in vivo experimental research. Laser physics letters. 2019, 16(11): 115604. DOI:10.1088/1612-202X/ab4f62 (SCI, Date of Publication: 30 October 2019, JCR Q2, ISSN: 1612-2011)

[8] Site Luo#, Yingwei Fan#, Wei Chang, Hongen Liao*, Hongxiang Kang*, Li Huo*. Classification of human stomach cancer using morphological feature analysis from optical coherence tomography. Laser physics letters. 2019, 16(9): 095602. https://doi.org/10.1088/1612-202X/ab3638. (Co-first author, SCI, 受到OCT News报道, Date of Publication: August 14, 2019, JCR Q2, ISSN: 1612-2011)

[9] Yingwei Fan, Longfei Ma, Weipeng Jiang, Site Luo, Xinran Zhang and Hongen Liao*. Optimized optical coherence tomography imaging with Hough transform-based fixed-pattern noise reduction method. IEEE access. 2018, 6: 32087-32096. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2846728 (SCI, 受到OCT News报道, Date of Publication: June 13, 2018, JCR Q1, ISSN: 2169-3536)

[10] Yingwei Fan, Yan Xia, Yu Sun, Xinran Zhang, Jie Tang, Liwei Zhang, and Hongen Liao*. Optical coherence tomography for precision brain imaging, neurosurgical guidance and minimally invasive theranostics. Bioscience trends. 2018; 12(1):12-23. DOI: 10.5582/bst.2017.01258 (SCI, Date of Publication: 2018.01.15, JCR Q3, ISSN: 1881-7815)

[11] Haibo Wang, Zhongyuan Ping, Yingwei Fan, Hongxiang Kang, Siyang Zuo*. A novel surface-scanning device for intraoperative tumor tumor identification and therapy. IEEE access. 2019, 7(1): 96392-96403. DOI: 10.1109/ ACCESS. 2019.2929508 (SCI, Date of Publication: 18 July 2019, JCR Q1, ISSN: 2169-3536)

[12] Boyu Zhang, Yingwei Fan, Penghui Yang, Tianle Cao and Hongen Liao*. Worm-like soft robot for compliant tubular environments. Soft Robotics. 2019. 6(3): 399-413. https://doi.org/10.1089/soro.2018.0088 (SCI, Date of Publication: 5 Jun 2019, JCR Q1, ISSN: 2169-5172)

[13] Mingyu Zhu,# Wei Chang,# Linkai Jing,# Yingwei Fan, Ping Liang, Xinran Zhang, Guihuai Wang*, Hongen Liao*. Dual-modality optical diagnosis for in vivo precise discrimination of tumors in neurosurgery. Theranostics. 2019; 9(10):2827-2842. DOI:10.7150/thno.33823. (SCI, Date of Publication: 13 April 2019, JCR Q1, ISSN: 1838-7640)

[14] Benjian Shen, Liucun Gao, Jin Xing, Jing Fang, Jie Liang, Qiong Ma, Yingwei Fan, Hongxiang Kang*. Bactericidal effects research of 470 nm blue light on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa: in vitro and in vivo research. Laser physics. 2019, 29(3): 035601. https://doi.org/10.1088/1555-6611/aaf908 (SCI, Date of Publication: 29 January 2019, JCR Q3)

[15] Weipeng Jiang, Longfei Ma, Boyu Zhang, Yingwei Fan, Xiaofeng Qu, Xinran Zhang, and Hongen Liao*. Evaluation of the 3D augmented reality-guided intraoperative positioning of dental implants in edentulous mandible models. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants. 2018, 33(6):1219-1228. DOI: 10.11607/ jomi. 6638. (SCI, Date of Publication: NOV-DEC 2018, JCR Q2, ISSN (print) 0882-2786)

[16] Zhenxing Sun,# Linkai Jing,# Yingwei Fan, Huifang Zhang, Lin Chen, Yi Guo, Guihuai Wang, Hari Sharma*, James Wang*. Chapter Five - Fluorescein-guided surgery for spinal gliomas: Analysis of 220 consecutive cases, Editor(s): Igor Bryukhovetskiy, Aruna Sharma, Zhiqiang Zhang, Hari Shanker Sharma, International Review of Neurobiology, Academic Press, 151, 2020, 139-154. (SCI, Date of Publication: 13 May 2020, JCR Q3, ISSN: 0074-7742)


[17] 范应威;马琼;彭瑞云*;康宏向*. 基于OCT影像的激光致皮肤损伤及其修复无创综合评估初步研究. 中国体视学与图像分析. 2020, 25(1): 1-9. DOI: 10.13505/j.1007-1482.2020.25.01.001 (封面文章) (出版日期:2020.03.25

[18] 马琼;范应威;梁洁;倪波;罗振坤;康宏向*. 超连续谱激光可见谱段致人眼眩目效应研究. 激光生物学报2020, 29 (1): 75-79. (出版日期:2020.02.15

[19] 倪波;范应威;马琼;梁洁;罗振坤;康宏向*. 456nm半导体蓝激光眩目效应研究. 激光技术. 2020. (accept,知网首发)

[20] 范应威. 多模影像引导激光消融神经外科光学诊疗关键问题研究[D]. 工学博士,清华大学,中国2018.07.

[21] 罗斯特;范应威;常玮;安昕;赵辉;霍力*. 扫频光学相干层析成像应用于判断粘液型胃癌组织边界[J]. 光学学报. 2018, 38(5):0517001. DOI: 10.3788/AOS201838.0517001.

[22] 范应威;张博语;廖洪恩*. 术中病变组织精准辨识与诊疗[J].高科技与产业化. 2016, 12 (7): 42-49.

[23] 廖洪恩*;范应威;张博语;马龙飞. 机器人辅助智能微创诊疗[J].高科技与产业化. 2016, 12 (5): 40-43.

[24] 倪波;范应威;马琼;梁洁;方静;罗振坤;康宏向*. 光学相干断层成像在临床医学中的应用[J].激光生物学报. 2018, 27 (6): 481-497. DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1007-7146.2018.06.001 (出版日期:2018-12-15)

[25] 汤睿;范应威;李昂;贾凡;肖颖;李莉;康宏向;樊海宁;董家鸿;卢倩*. 光学相干断层扫描判断肝门部胆管癌肿瘤前沿的应用探索. 中华实用外科杂志. 2019, 39(9):949-954. (published2019.09.01)

[26] 张博语;范应威;朱明宇;廖洪恩*. 个体化精准诊疗:临床中的发展与挑战()[J]. 中国医疗设备, 2016, 31(6).

[27] 张欣然;范应威;廖洪恩*. 个体化精准诊疗:临床中的发展与挑战()[J]. 中国医疗设备, 2016, 31(3): 5-11.

[28] 范应威. 基于微波技术的睡眠监测系统研究与实现. 中荷生物医学与信息工程学院, 工学硕士, 东北大学, 中国, 2014.05.01.

[29] 范应威;徐礼胜*;章星;杜尚杰;李刚;窦元珠. 低成本非接触生理参数监测系统研究[J]. 信号处理, 2013, 29(12):1732-1738. (2013.12.25)

[30] 范应威;徐礼胜*;章星,杜尚杰;赵耀楠;张立;窦元珠. 非接触式的睡眠生理信号监测和睡眠分期[J]. 中国科技论文在线, 2013. (2013.11.01)


[1] 廖洪恩;范应威. 立体结构功能成像系统, 授权编号:CN105748040B, 专利号: ZL201610081461.5 (国家发明,授权,授权公告日:2018.08.28)

[2] 廖洪恩;范应威. 用于外科手术的智能成像系统, 授权编号:CN105534606B, 专利号: ZL201610080180.8 (国家发明,授权,授权公告日:2018.11.09)

[3] 郭藏燃;范应威. 脑电检测装置和系统, 专利号:ZL201521008283.0 (实用新型,授权,授权公告日:2017.09.07)

[4] 廖洪恩;范应威. 多源信息引导激光消融的诊疗方法与系统, 专利号:ZL201810675326.2 (国家发明,授权,授权公告日:2020.06.12)

[5] 廖洪恩;范应威. 基于光学影像与光学治疗的智能型微创诊疗一体化方法及其系统. 申请号:201910502791.0 (国家发明,受理)

[6] 康宏向;范应威;廖洪恩;马琼;梁洁;倪波;罗振坤. 一种基于飞秒激光的光断层透射成像系统. 申请号:201910613067.5(国家发明,受理)

[7] 康宏向;罗振坤;范应威;梁洁;马琼;倪波. 多功能激光防护镜与激光探测告警复合装置. 申请号:201910110169.5(国家发明,受理)

[8] 康宏向;范应威;马琼;倪波;罗振坤. 自动调焦望远镜系统. 申请号:201911228977.8 (国家发明,受理)

[9] 康宏向;范应威;马琼;罗振坤. 一种多功能自动调焦望远镜系统. 申请号:202010614826.2(国家发明,受理)

Personal Resume

Dr. Yingwei Fan mainly focuses on the study of optical coherence tomography (OCT), optical image processing, laser ablation, and intelligent optical minimally invasive theranostics. He has developed multimodal imaging guided laser ablation system and OCT guided laser ablation system for the treatment of brain tumors. Moreover, He developed the method of fixed pattern noise reduction and classification method of human stomach tumors. He has analyzed theoretically the imaging results endoscopic OCT probe based C-lens and GRIN-lens. Recently, he further have added the research on laser-biological effect to explore the mechanism of laser-induced biological tissue damage and wound repairs.

As first and co-author, he published sixteen papers to the international peer-reviewed journals and more than thirty academic journal papers of optical imaging and computer assisted surgery. One of these important researches had been published in Theranostics, and was chosen as the Front Cover Article. He got four Chinese patents (Issued), and was applying more than six Chinese patents. As principal investigator, He got three national foundation supports (one from China National Natural Science Foundation and two from China Postdoctoral Science Foundations), and has participated more than seven national projects.

He was invited to review some articles from some international journal, including International Journal of CARS, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, World Neurosurgery, Lasers in Medical Science, Scientific Reports, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, and Frontiers of Optoelectronics.

Education Background


Tsinghua University

Biomedical engineering

Ph. D


Northeastern University

Biomedical engineering



Kunming University of Science and Technology

Biomedical engineering


(2010.09-2011.08 As exchanger learning into Northeastern University)

Positions and Employment


Beijing Institute of Technology

Biomedical engineering

Research associate professor (Assistant professor)


Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine

Basic Medicine


Professional Membership/Academic Appointments

Research and Teaching Interest

Minimally invasive theranostics; Medical optical theranostics; Biomedical optics; Bio-optical imaging; Surgery guidance and navigation

Honors and Awards


Second prize of Science and Technology Progress award of the China Society for Stereology (Second Finisher)


Second prize of excellent paper in 2019 China Biomedical Engineering Conference;

Award for the contributed talk in 16th Chinese Conference on Stereology and Image Analysis

Second Prize of the IFMBE-Sponsored Young Investigator Award 2020


Tsinghua University Ph. D. Candidates Social Practice Award


Miyoshi Graduate Student, Outstanding thesis award


The First Awards of The First Graduate Mathematical Modeling Competition in Liaoning Province, The Third Awards of The Ninth “Huawei Cup” China Graduate Mathematical Modeling Competition


Provincial Level Outstanding Graduates, Provincial Miyoshi Students, University Miyoshi Student


China National Scholarship


China National Encouragement scholarship