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郭玉冰,北京理工大学预聘副教授(特别研究员)。长期从事软体机器人和智能仿生材料的研究,在多尺度多功能软体机器人的设计制造、液晶高分辨率光取向及其应用、液晶弹性体三维形变设计等方向取得一系列研究成果。目前,已经在ScienceAdvanced MaterialsNature CommunicationsAdvanced Optical MaterialsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等杂志发表文章30余篇。


2011.09-2017.08 美国肯特州立大学 液晶研究所 博士

2008.09-2011.07 中国科学院半导体研究所 硕士

2004.09-2008.07 山东大学 学士


2021.05至今 北京理工大学 英国威廉希尔公司 特别研究员/预聘副教授

2017.12-2020.12 德国马克思普朗克智能系统研究所 博士后(洪堡学者)


担任Extreme Mechanics Letters, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Advanced Intelligent Systems等杂志审稿人


Ø 多尺度多功能软体机器人的设计、制造和控制

Ø 可变微纳结构的设计、制造和应用

Ø 智能软体材料形变的控制及应用

Ø 微米软体机器人的医疗应用





2018.06-2020.06 Programmable micro-robots with designable 3D liquid crystal molecular orientations for medical applications


SCI Journal paper

[1] Y. Guo#, M. Jiang#, S. Afghah, C. Peng, R. B. Selinger, O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, “Photo-patterned designer disclination networks in nematic liquid crystals”. Advanced Optical Materials 2021, 2100181.

[2] J. Zhang#, Y. Guo#, W. Hu#, M. Sitti, Wirelessly actuated thermo- and magneto-responsive soft bimorph materials with programmable shape-morphing. Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2100336. (被选为当期封底文章)

[3] J. Zhang#, Y. Guo#, W. Hu#, R. H. Soon, Z. S. Davidson, M. Sitti, Liquid crystal elastomer-based magnetic composite films for reconfigurable shape-morphing soft miniature machines”. Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2006191. (被选为当期封面文章)

[4] M. Zhang#, H. Shahsavan#, Y. Guo#, A. Pena-Francesch, Y. Zhang, M. Sitti, Liquid crystal elastomer actuated reconfigurable micro-scale Kirigami metastructures. Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2008603. (被选为当期内封面文章)

[5] Y. Guo, H. Shahsavan, M. Sitti, “Three-dimensional microstructures of liquid crystal networks with programmed voxelated director fields”. Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 2002753. (Advanced Science News报道)

[6] Y. Guo, H. Shahsavan, M. Sitti, “Microscale polarization color pixels from liquid crystal elastomers”. Advanced Optical Materials 2020, 8, 1902098.

[7] H. Shahsavan, A. Aghakhani, H. Zeng, Y. Guo, Z. S. Davidson, A. Priimagi, M. Sitti, “Bioinspired underwater locomotion of light-driven liquid crystal gels”. PNAS. 2020, 117, 5125.

[8] J. Jiang, N. P. Dhakal, Y. Guo, C. Andre, L. Thompson, O. Skalli, C. Peng, “Controlled dynamics of neural tumor cells by template liquid crystalline polymer networks”. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020, 2000487.

[9] M. Jiang#, Y. Guo#, H. Yu, Z. Zhou, T. Turiv, O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, Low f-number diffraction-limited Pancharatnam-Berry microlenses enabled by plasmonic photopatterning of liquid crystal polymers, Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1808028.

[10] Y. Guo#, H. Shahsavan#, Z. S. Davidson#, M. Sitti, “Precise control of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal alignment through surface topography”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 36110-36117.

[11] Z. S. Davidson, H. Shahsavan, A. Aghakhani, Y. Guo, L. Hines, Y. Xia, S. Yang, M. Sitti, “Monolithic shape-programmable dielectric liquid crystal elastomer actuators”. Science Advances 2019, 5, eaay0885.

[12] H. Yu#, M. Jiang#, Y. Guo, T. Turiv, W. Lu, V. Ray, O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, “Plasmonic metasurfaces with high UV-Vis transmittance for photopatterning of designer molecular orientations”. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7, 1900117.

[13] G. Babakhanova, T. Turiv, Y. Guo, M. Hendrikx, Q.-H. Wei, A. P. H. J. Schenning, D. J. Broer, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Liquid crystal elastomer coatings with programmed response of surface profile”. Nature Communications 2018, 9, 456.

[14] M. Jiang#, H. Yu#, X. Feng, Y. Guo, I. Chaganava, T. Turiv, O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, “Liquid crystal Pancharatnam-Berry micro-optical elements for laser beam shaping”. Advanced Optical Materials 2018, 6, 1800961.

[15] Y. Guo#, M. Jiang#, C. Peng, K. Sun, O. Yaroshchuk, O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, Designs of plasmonic metamasks for photopatterning molecular orientations in liquid crystals. Crystals 2017, 7, 8. (被选为2017Crystals最佳文章)

[16] C. Peng, Y. Guo, T. Turiv, M. Jiang, Q.-H. Wei, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Patterning of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals by photoalignment with photonic metamasks”. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1606112.

[17] Y. Guo, M. Jiang, C. Peng, K. Sun, O. Yaroshchuk, O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, High-resolution and high-throughput plasmonic photopatterning of complex molecular orientations in liquid crystals, Advanced Materials 2016, 28, 2353. (被选为当期内插页)

[18] Y. Guo#, S. Afghah#, J. Xiang#, O. D. Lavrentovich, R. L. B. Selinger, Q.-H. Wei, “Cholesteric liquid crystals in rectangular microchannels: Skyrmions and stripes”. Soft matter 2016, 12, 6312-6320.

[19] C. Peng#, T. Turiv#, Y. Guo, Q.-H. Wei, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Command of active matter by topological defects and patterns”. Science 2016, 354, 882-885.

[20] C. Peng, Y. Guo, C. Conklin, J. Viñals, S. V. Shiyanovskii, Q.-H. Wei, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Liquid crystals with patterned molecular orientation as an electrolytic active medium”. Physics Review E 2015, 92, 52502.



[1] O. D. Lavrentovich, Q.-H. Wei, S. V. Shiyanovskii, C. Peng, Y. Guo, “Liquid crystals with patterned molecular orientation as an electrolytic active medium”, US 10350597.

[2] 项颖,陈涌海,郭玉冰,刘忆琨,“一种基于半导体材料表面掺杂的液晶光学整流器件”, CN101893787B.

Personal Resume

Yubing Guo, Associate Professor in Beijing Institute of Technology. His research is focused on soft robotics and intelligent bionic materials. He has made a series of research achievements in multi-scale and multi-functional soft robotics, high-resolution liquid crystal photoalignment and its applications, and three-dimensional shape morphing of liquid crystal elastomers. So far, he has published over 30 articles in Science, Advanced Materials, Nature communications, Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and other journals.

Education Background

2011.09-2017.08 Kent State University, U.S., Ph.D.

2008.09-2011.07 Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S.

2004.09-2008.07 Shandong University, B.S.

Positions and Employment

2021.05-Now Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology

2017.12-2020.12 Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Professional Membership/Academic Appointments

Serve as reviewer for Extreme Mechanics Letters, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Advanced Intelligent Systems etc.

Research and Teaching Interest

Ø Multi-scale and multi-functional soft robotics

Ø Switchable/responsive micro- and nano-structures

Ø Smart soft materials: control and applications

Ø Medical applications of micro-scale soft robotics

Honors and Awards

2018 Humboldt Scholarship

Crystals 2017 Best Paper Award