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浦项工业大学(韩国) 机械工程学院 2014.09-2019.07 博士

华中科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 2009.09-2012.03 硕士

哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 2005.09-2009.07 本科


北京理工大学 英国威廉希尔公司 2020. 11 至今 预聘助理教授

浦项工业大学(韩国) 机械工程学院 2019.07-2020.10 博士后


International Society for Biofabrication, The Korean Biochip Society, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers等学会会员, Applied Science, Micromachines特刊编辑,Bio-design and Manufacturing等期刊的审稿人










2019国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 中国国家留学基金委

Young Investigator Award The 5th ICAM-BM Conference Committee

Excellent Publication Award 韩国BK21+项目委员会

POSCO Asian Fellowship POSCO TJ Park Foundation



3D Bioprinting: Modeling In Vitro Tissue and Organs Using Tissue-Specific Bioinks. Springer Nature. Cho, D.-W., Kim, B. S., Jang, J., Gao, G., Han, W., Singh, N. K.

Biofabrication and 3D tissue modeling: Decellularized tissue matrix-based 3D tissue modeling. RSC Publication Group. Das, S., Gao, G., Lee, J.Y., Jang, J. Cho, D.-W.


基于血管组织生物墨水和3D细胞打印技术的仿生人工血管移植物开发 (2017 - 2020)


合作单位:T&R Biofab 公司,韩国机械电子研究院,韩国天主教大学,釜山大学

可用于体外药物毒性评价的3D打印血管化气管芯片模型开发 (2017 - 2019)


合作单位:T&R Biofab 公司,首尔大学,韩国科学技术研究院

基于3D细胞打印的组织再生技术开发 (2018 - 2020)


合作单位:T T&R Biofab 公司,韩国天主教大学,首尔圣母医院

面向定制化靶向与免疫组合疗法研究的血管化脑癌芯片开发 (2019 - 2020)


合作单位:T&R Biofab 公司,首尔大学,哈佛大学

SCI Journal paper

  • Gao, G., Park, W., Kim, B. S., Ahn, M., Chae, S., Cho, W.-W., Kim, J., Lee, J. Y., Jang, J., Cho, D.-W. “Construction of a Novel In Vitro Atherosclerotic Model from GeometryTunable Artery Equivalents Engineered via InBath Coaxial Cell Printing”. Advanced Functional Materials, 202008878, 2020. (IF: 16.836)

  • Gao, G., Kim, H., Kim, B. S., Kong, J. S., Lee, J. Y., Park, B. W., Chae, S. H, Kim, J., Ban, K., Jang, J., Park, H.-J., Cho, D.-W. “Tissue-engineering of vascular grafts containing endothelium and smooth-muscle using triple-coaxial cell printing”. Applied Physics Reviews, 6 (4), 041402, 2019. (Featured research article) (IF: 17.054).

  • Gao, G., Lee, J. H., Jang, J., Lee, D. H., Kong, J. S., Kim, B. S. Cho, D.-W. “Tissue Engineered BioBloodVessels Constructed Using a TissueSpecific Bioink and 3D Coaxial Cell Printing Technique: A Novel Therapy for Ischemic Disease”. Advanced Functional Materials, 27(33), 1700798, 2017. (Inside cover). (IF: 16.836).

  • Gao, G., Park, J. Y., Kim, B. S., Jang, J., & Cho, D.-W. “Coaxial Cell Printing of Freestanding, Perfusable, and Functional In Vitro Vascular Models for Recapitulation of Native Vascular Endothelium Pathophysiology”. Advanced healthcare materials, 1801102, 2018. (IF: 7.367).

  • Gao, G., Kim, B. S., Jang, J., & Cho, D.-W. “Recent strategies in extrusion-based three-dimensional cell printing toward organ biofabrication”. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 5(3), 1150-1169, 2019. (IF: 4.152).

  • Won J. Y.#, Kim J.#, Gao, G.#, Kim J., Jang, J., Park, Y.-H., Cho, D.-W. “3D printing of drug-loaded multi-shell rods for local delivery of bevacizumab and dexamethasone: A synergetic therapy for retinal vascular diseases”. Acta Biomaterialia 116: 174-185, 2020. (IF: 7.242, co-first author)

  • Park, J. Y.#, Gao, G.#, Jang, J., & Cho, D.-W. “3D printed structures for delivery of biomolecules and cells: tissue repair and regeneration”. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4(47), 7521-7539, 2016. (IF: 5.344, co-first author).

  • Choi, Y. J., Jun, Y. J., Kim, D. Y., Yi, H. G., Chae, S. H., Kang, J. Lee, J. Y., Gao, G., Kong, J. S., Jang, J. Chung, W. K, Rhie, J. W. Cho, D.-W. “A 3D cell printed muscle construct with tissue-derived bioink for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss”. Biomaterials, 206, 160-169, 2019. (IF: 10.317).

  • Kim, B. S., Gao, G., Kim, J. Y., & Cho, D.-W. “3D Cell Printing of Perfusable Vascularized Human Skin Equivalent Composed of Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis for Better Structural Recapitulation of Native Skin”. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1801019, 2018. (IF: 7.367).

  • Kim, B. S.#, Kwon, Y. W.#, Kong, J. S.#, Park, G. T., Gao, G., Han, W., Cho, D.-W. ”3D cell printing of in vitro stabilized skin model and in vivo pre-vascularized skin patch using tissue-specific extracellular matrix bioink: A step towards advanced skin tissue engineering”. Biomaterials, 168, 38-53, 2018. (IF: 10.317).

  • Jang, J.#, Park, J. Y.#, Gao, G., & Cho, D.-W. “Biomaterials-based 3D cell printing for next-generation therapeutics and diagnostics”. Biomaterials, 156, 88-106, 2017. (IF: 10.317).

  • Kim, B. S.#, Kim, H.#, Gao, G., Jang, J., & Cho, D.-W. “Decellularized extracellular matrix: a step towards the next generation source for bioink manufacturing”. Biofabrication, 9(3), 034104, 2017. (IF: 8.213).

  • Kim, B. S.#, Lee, J. S.#, Gao, G., & Cho, D.-W. “Direct 3D cell-printing of human skin with functional transwell system”. Biofabrication, 9(2), 025034, 2017. (IF: 8.213).

  • Kim, B. S.#, Jang, J.#, Chae, S., Gao, G., Kong, J. S., Ahn, M., & Cho, D.-W. “Three-dimensional bioprinting of cell-laden constructs with polycaprolactone protective layers for using various thermoplastic polymers”. Biofabrication, 8(3), 035013, 2016. (IF: 8.213).

EI Journal paper



  • Gao, G., Kong, J. S., Cho, D.-W. “Blood Vessel Mimic and Method for Culturing Blood Vessel Mimic”. (Patent App. NO. PCT/KR2018/005336, PTC Patent).

  • Gao, G., Won, J. Y., Park, Y. H., Cho, D.-W. “Ophthalmic Composition for Dual Drug Release”. (Patent NO. 110-1974716, Korea, Republic of).

  • Gao, G., Kong, J. S., Cho, D.-W. “Tissue Engineered Blood Vessel Grafts constructed using a Tissue Specific Bioink and 3D Coaxial Cell Printing Technique”. (Patent NO. 10-2183669, Korea, Republic of).

Personal Resume

Assistant professor in the Institute of Engineering Medicine, BIT. Research interest covers multiple subjects including materials, mechanics, biology, etc. Current studies focus on the biomimetic biomaterials and innovative 3D bioprinting strategies, as well as the translational applications of tissue engineered constructs such as artificial implant/interfere tissue and organ, organoids/in vitro models, drug screening chips. Representative research achievements include artificial blood vessel grafts, vascularized tissue, cancer in vitro modeling, and so on. We look forward to recruiting the students and colleagues with relevant backgrounds.

Education Background

POSTECH (Korea). Mechanical Engineering 2014.09-2019.07 Ph.D.

HUST (China) Material Sci. & Eng. 2009.09-2012.03 M.S.

HIT (China) Material Sci. & Eng. 2005.09-2009.07 B.S.

Positions and Employment

BIT (China) Insititute of Eng. Med. 2020.11- present Assistant Professor

POSTECH (Korea). Mechanical Engineering. 2019.07-2020.10 Post-Doc

Professional Membership/Academic Appointments

Academic member of International Society for Biofabrication, The Korean Biochip Society, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Guest editor of Applied Science, MicromachinesPeer Reviewer of Bio-design and Manufacturing

Research and Teaching Interest

Advanced biofabrication equipment

Bioactive and biomimetic materials

Innovative 3D bioprinting techniques and strategies

Design and manufacturing of biomimetic implant/interfere medical devices

Bio-functional tissue/organ constructs

Biological/pathological/pharmaceutical models

Cell/tissue/organ on-a-chip

Honors and Awards

Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Award Feb. 2019

China Scholarship Council (CSC)

Young Investigator Award Dec. 2018

The 5th ICAM-BM International Conference Committee

Excellent Publication Award Jan. 2018

BK21+ Academic Project

POSCO Asian Fellowship Sep. 2014 – Sep. 2016

POSCO TJ Park Foundation